
MANDALAY, the last capital of Myanmar Dynasty, sits on the bank of Ayeyarwaddy River is located 695 km north of Yangon. It is not only the cultural and business city of upper Myanmar but also the 2nd Capital city of Myanmar and can be reached by flight or land.  Although Mandalay has a few highlights such as Kuthodaw Pagoda and Mandalay Hill, it is the ancient capitals, battered stupas and sights outside of the city such as Mingun, Sagaing, Ava, Amarapura are neighbors rich with cultural inheritance famous temple and Traditional Arts and crafts.

Places of Interest

Mahamuni Pagoda, Mahagandayon Monastery,  Workshops of tapestries, gold leaf Beating and silk weaving U Bein Teak Bridge (1.2 km long), Golden Palace Monastery, Kuthodaw Pagoda, Mandalay Hill.


Aamarapura, Innwa (Ava), Sagaing, Mingun, Monywa, Pyin Oo Lwin, Lashio, Hsipaw.